A mobile phone clock showing 18:18 an angel number

Angel numbers

Do you often see repeating numbers like 11:11, 22:22, 18:18, or 3:33 on the clock? The first time I noticed this was in 2021.  I would see 11:11 from time to time and think it was an amusing coincidence.  Then one day after catching 11:11 on the clock, I caught it at 12:12 and later that day, 19:19. I thought, “OK, something is going on here.”


At that point, I was using muscle testing to ask yes or no questions from the universe or my guides (I didn’t know which at this point) and get answers. Interestingly enough, I used it for internet dating, if I connected with someone online I would look at that person’s picture and ask “Is it a good idea for me to go on a date with this person?” and then get a yes or no response.  I’d say this worked well 90% of the time.

To learn more about muscle testing, click here.


Ok so seeing these repeating numbers that day caught my attention.

What do they mean? Is this a specific message or just a hello from the universe?  I asked my muscle testing system.

To my surprise, it turned out to be a specific message. I asked if there was a book where I could find the message, and the answer was no. I realized these messages were tailored specifically to me.


This realization eventually led me to create the Sage Code—a system to decode the messages I was receiving.

But before that I would ask a series of questions like, “Is this a message about relationships, business, or money?” Using muscle testing, I would deduce the answers.

Eventually I realised that sometimes I just didn’t know the answer or sometimes a would misinterpret the answer as I my bias or emotional state could skew answers.


Eventually, I realized I needed a more sophisticated system to avoid subconsciously influencing the results. I created the Sage Code, which took me about six months to develop and it has really made a difference.  I realised our intuitive guidance system brings very valuable information.

Like when I was looking for a job it suggested who to contact.

I remember one day I was calling people I know to do the pilot of the Sage Code course.  One of my friends said she was too busy.  Oh well I thought.  Then I caught an angel number on the oven clock and the message was meditate.  Meditate on clients.  I did this and then a couple of hours later that friend called back to book herself onto the course.

There is a whole world of guidance and opportunity awaiting you.

The ability to decode messages has helped me in business planning, decision making, sales, gotten me new friends.  Helped heal friendships.  Helped clear limiting beliefs.  The main thing is knowing that I have a support system that can direct, coach and advise me and help me get to the heart of anything, has given me a confidence and trust in the process. Does this mean it is all plain sailing? No.  As we still need to go through challenges, but it is easier to meet those challenges.


So, what should you do when you see these angel numbers? First, ask: Is this a hello from the universe, or is this a specific message for me? Use muscle testing to find out. If you have a good idea of what it might be, ask a series of questions until you arrive at the right answer.