The Secret To Thriving on Less Sleep

How much sleep do we really need? I went to a talk by Dr John Demartini today at the Vitality, Genius, Longevity Conference.  An amazing speaker, John has dedicated his whole life to studying, teaching and travelling around the world inspiring and teaching others.  At the Conference  he spoke about vitality and illness.  There were [...]

2015-08-14T13:23:46+00:00November 4th, 2011|Energy, Productivity|0 Comments

How To Be Productive When you Suffer from Social Media ADHD

It’s annoying isn’t it, you log into Facebook, Twitter or Linked in to do one thing and 10 minutes  later you’ve either completely forgotten what you logged in for or you’ve only just remembered it after getting lost in the distraction. I have to admit I’m easily distracted online I would almost say I have [...]

2015-12-06T03:05:56+00:00September 13th, 2011|Productivity|0 Comments